Eye Conditions

As you age, your odds of developing cataracts increase each year. Nearly 25 million Americans over 40 years old are affected by cataracts, making it one of the most common eye diseases in the country. If you’re experiencing vision loss due to cataracts, you certainly aren’t alone, and fortunately, you have options. Keep reading to learn all about cataracts: what they are, why they form, and your options for treatment with the expert eye surgeons at Lusk Eye Specialists.

Refractive Vision Issues
Some of the most common vision impairments we see at Lusk Eye Specialists are refractive vision issues — conditions that cause your eyes to have trouble focusing at certain distances. Because some refractive issues have different causes but the same symptoms, it may be hard for you to determine for yourself which condition you have, let alone what the best solution may be.

Cornea Issues

Glaucoma is a leading cause of vision loss and blindness, both in the United States and throughout the world. This is because glaucoma often causes gradual vision loss over time, meaning that many people don’t know they have the disease or don’t seek treatment until it’s too late.

Macular Degeneration

Diabetic Retinopathy
